Make Your Moving Filletster w/ Bill Anderson

Make Your Moving Filletster w/ Bill Anderson


Two Days - Thu-Fri, April 13-14 2023

Bill’s new workshop will deliver the full range of wooden plane fixing experiences — plus, you’ll have a fine new moving filletster plane to take home with you!

Everyone will begin with a ~2” wide skewed rabbet plane (supplied) and convert it into a handled, moving filletster plane by adding boxing, a fence, a depth stop, a nicker, and a handle. You will start by flattening and squaring the sole, and reworking the wedge. Next, you’ll make and fit the metal parts (fence guides, depth stop and nicker) and shape and sharpen the iron and finally cut a rabbet before you walk out of the door.

This is a more focused (and intense) variation on Bill’s wooden plane rehabilitation workshop that he has done for many years. In that workshop, students would bring planes to work on and Bill would help them out, making a wedge, replacing boxing, re-cutting threads - only as needed. This workshop will give everyone experience in a wider range of wood plane rehab techniques and a new plane to boot!

Materials: $60 payable to instructor on day of class.

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